“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” Leonardo da Vinci

Thursday, November 10, 2011

random thoughts

Here are some random thoughts I've had on comments from my son's blog and from things I've read in books and online. Quotes from other sources are in italics.

"I think the scariest part of being human is the best part of being human. When I tap into what makes me Chuck, it is really scary and very enlivening. It’s the deepest kind of pleasure I’ve ever had, and every area in which I am still blocked comes up in an instant." Chuck Kindred
Pleasure is so personal and so precious. My greatest pleasures nearly always come after great pain/growth.

"Taking care of myself is not doing things that make me feel good. It’s doing the things that will take care of me. Comfort is not a virtue. Actions against my will are the most important ones." Chuck Kindred
For years I wasn't doing things that would take care of me. Once I started, though painful and often terrifying, I have not stopped going down this road.
Comfort is not a virtue but I believe I am meant to live a life with joy in it. It's not a virtue but it is a blessing.
I am comfortable in my life. I am not afraid for my safety or security. It hasn't always been that way.
My life thus far has allowed me to crawl out into the sunshine and give.
A virtue is defined as "a positive trait". There are people who live very comfortable lives who are not virtuous and
those who live in squalor and who yet demonstrate great virtue.
God wants me to do good things. Being poor doesn't make it more or less possible to do good things.
It's about virtue, not stuff. Comfort is about peace not stuff.
"The ideals which have always shone before me and filled me with the joy of living are goodness, beauty and truth. To make a goal of comfort or happiness has never
appealed to me;a system of ethics built on this basis would be sufficient only for a herd of cattle."
- Albert Einstein

(psychiatry) an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires
Reducing the anxiety is the entire purpose of all the defense mechanisms I have honed over my lifetime.*

"Devil's advocacy for me is not so much about the point I'm making as it is about regulating how connected and happy the group is." Chuck Kindred
*I have been accused of being a great debater. I find it easier to argue than admit I feel frightened. By arguing, I put myself in the position of
controlling (regulating) the situation. I run the dialogue, and the show, so we won't go where I don't want to go.

"The length of a person’s attention span is directly related to the intensity of his hunger for something."
I've been working on myself for decades. I hunger for clarity about what the f--k I'm all about. I love it.

"Well aren't you just the most adorable black hole of need!" -Maxine, the cartoon

"In the Bible, crying out refers to speaking audibly with great emotion concerning an urgent need.
It takes both faith and humility to share our heart’s concern aloud.....
By calling upon Him with such urgency, we lay down our pride and any attitude of self-sufficiency"
from the "Jesus Daily" newsletter

Sounds like an ad for Core Energetics to me.