“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” Leonardo da Vinci

Thursday, June 2, 2011

"What big teeth you have"

The latest laughable lunacy coming out of Washington is the idea that it would be possible to sit the Palestinians down across the table from the Israelis to make a deal when the former has as a dance
partner the big bad wolf and the latter is constantly saying "What big teeth you have" to no avail.
Does no one care that a widely known terrorist organization is not even hiding behind the scenes
anymore but is right there at the table with dripping jaws? This organization has sworn to the total destruction of Israel and the Jews of the world and who thinks of this destruction as the first step in the end of the Western way of life...that includes us, folks.

Would we be willing to sit down with whoever steps into the shoes of Osama bin Laden and discuss America's Mexican border if he made a pact with Mexico and announced to the world that our total destruction was his goal? And we are a big, powerful country
with many resources and a huge population. Israel is so vulnerable and tiny it boggles the mind
to imagine how they can sleep at night knowing what the neighbors think of them.

We used to live in a neighborhood where our family history went back four generations with people we thought of as friends. We were involved in a simple incident which caused a great disturbance among all the residents of the association.
Sides were taken and we were on the outside for the most part. There were only a few people
who supported us and heard our side and didn't forget all the history we had there of friendship and citizenship. Those people received disrespect because they supported us and some also paid the price down the road by being poorly treated themselves.
I remember the churning stomach I had just walking to my car. There was a fear of running into someone with whom I used to go to church or play tennis or sit on the beach and visit with for hours. I knew all their children and they
ours for several generations. But now they were in a lather and went to
association meetings or in gatherings in the neighborhood doing everything possible to punish us for what they found unacceptable. Now we are talking about a trifle here,
not possible annihilation. But the anxiety of being so disliked and mistreated for no good reason
except a disagreement of opinion by people I used to truly care about made me unwilling to ever trust any of them again. I
felt I had to protect myself from contact with them as much as possible and simply acted with the minimum of courtesy. I found it nearly impossible to act differently; they had proven themselves a danger to me and especially to my family and I couldn't let them in. Like the big bad wolf.

This is hardly a perfect parallel with the Israeli conflict but I try to imagine the fear and pain of living with the constant anxiety of knowing others are irrational about something you cannot
change and who wish to do you harm. To expect Israelis to simply let those who hate them have whatever they want is not a solution and can not be acceptable to any thinking person. That would be a step once again toward the destruction of Jews everywhere...which we saw
in Germany and nearly all of Europe only a few short years ago. And we must not give in to
that hatred. Good and evil do exist. "America is great because America is good"
can not be just a slogan. It must be who we are. The wolf is at the door right now. Be sure of it. He is a hungry beast and he's on the move. God help us stop him.

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